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Chapter News

  • New Board Members!

  • Our First Meet and Greet 2024!

  • November SIGMA board Elections have been sent out

    Fellow Scholars! 

    We need your vote! We have sent an email out with all the biographies of our candidates for the following:

    Vice President


    Leadership Succession Committee Chair

    Use link below to vote! ( It's in the email too)

  • We need you!!

    We are excited to share that the Alpha Beta Theta Chapter has an opportunity for you to serve on the Alpha Beta Theta Board for the 2024-2026 term! Below is the as a Vice President . All members who wish to slate for this position please  email Pat Duran, member of the Leadership Succession Committee at pduran318@yahoo.com to be on the official voting ballot. The job descriptions is provided for your convenience.

    Vice President

    Position Description:

    1.     Serve on the chapter’s board of directors

    2.     Succeed into the office of president and serve until the next election in the event that the president vacates his/her officer during the two-year term. 

    3.     Prepare an annual report to the chapter membership regarding the vice-president's responsibilities and activities. 

    4.     Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to the position of vice president.

    5.     Submit modifications or new policies and procedures to the Board of Directors for approval. 

    6.     Lead membership benefit efforts 

    7.     Oversee the planning of chapter programs ensuring that at least two programs or events that support the honor society's purposes and goals are held each year.  

    8.     Fulfill other duties as assigned by chapter:  

    9.     Be chair of committees, as needed. 

    10.  Skills Gained through Service: 

    •       Serve on a non-profit/non-governmental organization board of directors 

    •       Understanding industry needs 

    •       Membership satisfaction

    •       Program planning (in-person or virtual) 

    •       Team communication 

    •       Leadership of committee  

    •       Budgeting 

  • Get involved! Social Media Coordinators Needed!

  • Welcome our New Leadership Succession Chair

    Please join me in welcoming our new Leadership Succession Chair Patricia Duarte, MSN, RN. Thank you for your time and commitment! Welcome! 

  • Welcome our New Counselor

    Please assist me in welcoming our new board member, Dr. Tracy Lopez, who has been appointed the Counselor for our Chapter! Welcome, Dr. Lopez!

    In addition, a big thank you to Dr. Gloria Loera for her role as Counselor from 2022 to 2024. Thank you, Dr. Loera, for your time and commitment!

Chapter Events